Day 2 Recap

The first night was a huge success with a few rest breaks and morale was great. We took a long rest break before heading into the Fort Davis mountains and let the sun come up and warm everything (and everyone). Andy had a lot of tough climbs in the mountains and it took quite a toll on him mentally to not see anyone for miles and miles and miles (and miles and miles). But, he ate really well and took very few breaks off the bike and finally reached the end of the 90 mile time station.

After that we were able to hit several more time stations in quick fashion and Andy's morale just kept getting better and better. We saw so much wildlife today: elk, deer, a HUGE tarantula, wild boars, snakes, and horses. The most entertaining encounter was the face-off of Andy with a loose cow. They had a nice staring competition for a minute or so. 

When the night crew took over Andy was moving strong and had a very upbeat mood. He is excited and really motivated to reach the halfway point tonight.