Powerbar Team Elite

Minnesota 400 Recap

I never did get around to writing a race recap from the RAAM Challenge Minnesota 400. If I had written one the outline for the recap would have looked something like this
Before the start of the race
  • "I can't stop shivering. Why is it so cold?"
  • "Can I have some Aleve? I feel like I've been hit by a truck"
  • "Can I have your thermal jacket?"
The remainder of the race
  • "Can I have some Aleve?"
  • "I'm so cold"
  • "I hate expansion joints"
  • "Can I have some Aleve?"
  • "Dane, why did you just drive into the side of that building? There was a perfectly good drawbridge to cross."
  • "Can I have some Aleve?"
  • "Was that a raccoon?"
  • "Watch out for alligators"
  • "Can I have some Aleve"
The longer the race went on, the more frequently I was asking for it as the fever continued to wear on me. Thankfully for my internal organs, the crew followed Bayer's recommended usage guidelines for Aleve. I am also thankful my sister put together this video recap of the race so I don't actually have to write it.

Merry Go Round

Are you going to ride today? How far do you want to go? Where do you want to go? If you are like me, you have asked these questions of yourself or others more than once in your life. A lot of times, these questions lead to the merry-go-round of "I don't care. What do you want to do?"

Sure you could always go ride the same old routes and roads you always do. Or you could expand your horizons and try something new. You could do this systematically by choosing roads you have ridden before and linking those others in a combination you hadn't tried before. The other option would be to allow your inner 5 year old to dictate where you ride and for what distance. This is the simpliest way and more times than not leads to the most scenic rides.

On Monday, I gave my inner 5 year old this opportunity. The only comment I made to him as I handed him the crayon and map was that he had to avoid Hull St, Midlothian Tnpk and Broad St. All other roads were fair game and if he had never heard of the road before, it most likely hasn't been heard of by many other motorists either.

A digital crayon and a map

For the last couple of weeks, my cycling has incorporated a bit of world history thanks to the coverage of the Tour de France. Even though the Tour was on a rest day, this ride would be no different. Along my way to the Center of the Universe, I passed by Patrick Henry's home where he lived while serving as the first governor of Virginia, Scotchtown. While riding by, I wondered if the French were as inspired by the acts of those who once lived in the "chateaus" they rode by on a daily. I would imagine, yes.

After passing by Scotchtown it was time visit two of the fable sisters in the area before arriving in the Center of the Universe and turning back toward the shop for a rare Monday afternoon shift at the shop. 110 miles later and off the bike, my internal delight shined bright enough to penetrate the tired and hot look of my exterior.

Before your next ride, will you allow yourself to get on the merry-go-round or will you hand over the crayon?


Will I have a crew?

With my plans growing more and more advantageous each year, the art of planning and logistics has been the hardest hurdle to overcome. I started planning for the 2013 season back during the holidays of 2012. Many questions come up during the planning stage. Which races will I do? Who will be available to crew these races? These were two biggest questions I had to answer.

Unfortunately, I knew that one of the races I wanted to do would mean I would need to find a few new members to crew for me as my parents would not be able to travel with me to Minnesota in August. Jenn's father and mother in-law volunteered to go in their place.

Planning early has many advantages, one of which is the great sense of relief you feel once a plan has been laid into place. That is until life gets in the way and plans are forced to adapt. With my fitness at an all time high, I was starting to worry whether I would make it to Minnesota with a full crew when unforseen work obligations would keep Ken and Elizabeth from being able to travel. That was until, one day while at work I was granted one of the most selfless gifts ever. Dane (aka Thin Mint) came into the shop and told me that he and Lindsey (aka L to the B soon to be K) were going to defer their race enteries for the same weekend in order to come help me out.

A few weeks ago during the prerace press conference for this year's Race Across America, Marko Baloh stated "It's kinda strange to think of 9 people working hard for me to have fun." More perfect words couldn't have been choosen in describing a racers gratitude towards their crews.

With that being said, I'm excited to introduce everyone to the newest edition of my support crew.

My best friend and wife, Jenn will be returning to the crew vehicle after declaring it was easier in the car than being back at home.
My sister Becky will be back after making her debut in Texas.
Thin Mint and L to the B Soon to be K (Dane and Lindsey)


Half the Battle

Yesterday, Mother Nature decided to throw another curveball at us with a frost warning for the morning hours. It's amazing how quickly I became a big sissy when it comes to cold weather. Just a month ago, I would have been rejoicing for a morning ride if the temperatures were 40 or above. But not now that all my winter gear has been rotated to the bottom of the cycling clothes drawer. Not when my good friend Kurt has been sitting in the corner feeling like I forgot his name. Not when pulling Kurt from the corner would allow me to pick my clothes off the top of the drawer. After all, who knows what kind of injury I could sustain digging to the bottom of that 8" drawer. Pinched nerve, pulled muscle or torn bicep?

I met up with Kurt and one of my training partners who will forever be known going forward as Quinoa. Having different agendas for our workouts he was chatty while I tried to fit sentences in between gasps of breath. While he was there I hadn't realized what a benefit it was to have him there talking. I never thought it was bad but didn't really put a lot of weight on it either. The conversation kept my mind from racing from one thing to another. "Gotta do this. Don't forget to do that. Are you going to have enough time to get this done for (insert 10 different names)?" All of those thoughts and more came rushing into my head after Quinoa's workout was done and he escaped to the gym.

Having a terrible time focusing during my last twenty minute effort, I started talking to myself "Focus. Fo-c-us. FO-cus. FOCUS!" Then from somewhere I heard the voice from the original GI Joe cartoons, "Knowing is half the battle" As I battled to save my last interval from falling into the Cobra Clutch, my mind slipped away and I starting thinking to myself that I know mental toughness is more than half of endurance racing. That sticking through these workouts despite wanting to bag the last fifteen, twelve then ten minutes is what will pay the bills come race day.

That internal conversation kept my mind from racing from topic to topic and saved this particular workout for me. It also reminded me how blessed I am to be training alongside and under a coach who preaches by practicing mental toughness on a regular basis. Which proposes the question, "Do you have the ability to push through the mental blocks?"

Tonight at Endorphin Fitness, Coach Michael Harlow will be presenting on Mental Toughness and it's role in not just endurance sports but how it can be translated into your everyday life as well. The presentation starts at 7pm and you can register for it by emailing register@endorphinfitness.com.


Coach Michael Speaks about Race Day Nutrition